Beauty Alchemy
A month of practices for beauty, ritual and adornment in practice, business and life. Strangely, in the modern world, beauty has become synonymous with terms like anti-aging, perfection and fitting a narrow set of rules or guidelines made up by whoever can make the most money from them, instead of what may have traditionally been held as beautiful: the changing of the seasons, colour, make-up and clothing as a form of self-expression, an imperfect ceramic tea cup, a poem, a handwritten letter to a loved one who you haven’t seen for far too long.
Due to our modern associations with beauty, many of us even feel guilty for our love of beauty, ritual and adornment, and yet it is fundamentally human to seek and crave for beauty. For it to inspire and motivate and soothe. This month, we return to what is beautiful to us, and cherish it, like an ancient lovesick poet writing haiku by a pond.